Sausage Party: More Like Homeschool Party (Because It’s Disappointing)

PG-13 for some language and really weird content. You don’t really walk into a Seth Rogen movie with high expectations. That’d be sort of like stopping at an Exxon gas station in Waco, and expecting a well-dressed attendant in a red vest and black slacks to hand you a warm, freshly cleaned towel after you used … Continue reading Sausage Party: More Like Homeschool Party (Because It’s Disappointing)

The Dreamer

Sometimes, he thought it was rather like flying through a tunnel. You know, one of those underground tunnels in big cities like D.C. or New York, with the flashes of light you get from the large overhead fluorescents? He would be listening to someone speak, his boss, or his wife, and he felt as though … Continue reading The Dreamer

$pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 7: Part 2: The End of the End

This final section of the tale is rated PG, but mostly because it's sad.  3/24/16: So Sorry, It's Over Welcome, to the final section of the tale, started so long ago. In these few months, I have written more than 22,000 words on the $pring Break of the KIDDOS of Destiny, and I am sure this … Continue reading $pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 7: Part 2: The End of the End

$pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 7: Part 1: The Beginning of The End

This Section of the story is rated PG, and is far cleaner than OJ, regardless of how that trial ended.  A Wonderful Wednesday (That Adjective only describes the End of the Day) Originally, I intended to make the $pring Break series eight parts, but it is now July, and I have decided that it’s best … Continue reading $pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 7: Part 1: The Beginning of The End

$pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 6: Blood and Ice Cream

This piece is probably rated PG, but as you well know, my humor can be borderline. Is it worth the risk of losing your immortal soul in hell fire to continue reading this? You decide.  3/22/16: A Tuesday There are many horrific places to wake up. I’d imagine if one went to sleep in their … Continue reading $pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 6: Blood and Ice Cream

$pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 5: The Uncharacteristic Monday

Rated PG, as I say some words that aren't supposed to be said in church. I mean, they actually are, but like, not out of context- Forget it. Just read this. You're already here. You won't leave. 3/21/16 A Damn Good Monday Normally, it takes you a few paragraphs to question my sanity, right? But … Continue reading $pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 5: The Uncharacteristic Monday

$pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 4: Sunday, Longest Sunday

Rated PG-13 because I wanted to joke about drugs and other things. It’s fine though. Just read it. Let me make my slightly borderline jokes. Remove the log before the speck or whatever. Also, you may think the above picture is out of focus, but it is perfectly focused on the light fixture, so get over … Continue reading $pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 4: Sunday, Longest Sunday

$pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 3: Player Six Enters the Game

This section of the tale is rated PG for my humor, which can come across as abrasive, but is actually very loving and modeled after the Agape love of Christ. 3/19/16: A Saturday Written to serve as a diet substitute for the "Opiate of the Masses" As the alarm blared its hellish song, I rose from … Continue reading $pring Break 2k16: The Kiddos of Destiny take D.C. Part 3: Player Six Enters the Game